Perfectly situated in the heart of Hudson, Portabella offers a chic and cozy culinary experience that rivals any 5 star establishment. You may vaguely recall other eateries that were housed in that very same building
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Every friend was once a Stranger…
Who are your closest girlfriends? Are they the girls you went to high school with? College? Ladies you met at work? Through Mom groups or your kids schools? How many friends do you have that
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When you’ve got dinner… in the bag
Cooking is probably one of my most favourite things to do. And not just cooking, I love baking too. If you ask anyone that knows me, it would be an understatement to say that anything
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Excerpt 2
I love walking around the airport and imagining where everyone is going and for what reasons. My imagination is at its best when people watching, so I spent the next hour and a half waiting
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Weight Loss Journey Part 2
Let’s be real ladies ( and men.. If you are reading this too!), it’s called a weight loss journey because it’s an ongoing process, and you know.. because calling it a life sentence is probably
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Here I outline the top 5 reasons you should outsource content writing if you are a business owner or entrepreneur.
5 Reasons to Hire a Content Writer
Whatever your business may be - there is no denying that having an active online presence is key for the success and continued growth of your company. Given the important role social media plays in
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It’s Ok to NOT be Ok
I am not ok. 4 words that are seemingly so easy to say, yet...not. It had been a little over a year into the pandemic, when the proverbial shit hit the fan for me. As
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Excerpt 5 – The Fight
That night I went to bed with mixed feelings. Due to the time difference I had now gone two nights in a row without talking with my children or husband. Guilt was replacing bliss as
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Stop…Drop..and Follow
With sooooo many Instagram accounts out there, here are a few I really enjoy and hope you will too! I’m sure that I am not making front page news headlines when I say that Instagram
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Excerpt 4- Strangers
As J.J. leaned over me to sneak a peek out the window, the plane dived downwards and sideways in a way that you never hope a plane will move. My hands flew to his shoulder
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Simply Sustainable
It’s no secret that we are seeing a massive impact on the health of our planet given that the globe has been forced to pause. We have seen the proof via videos and images that
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First let me start by saying that I am a bit late writing and posting this blog. I must have started writing it about 3 weeks ago! Once this whole covid thing hit and I
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