First let me start by saying that I am a bit late writing and posting this blog. I must have started writing it about 3 weeks ago! Once this whole covid thing hit and I
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An interview with a teen..on Fortnite (What else?)
I may have mentioned before that I have a 13 (almost 14) year old boy. He is sweet, kind, caring, thoughtful and also extremely addicted Ahem… passionate about Fortnite. If you have a boy (or
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Baby Steps…Into Daycare
It’s a right of passage for most parents, and no matter how many times you go through it, it doesn’t seem to get any better. The dreaded daycare drop off leaves me with so many
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Baby Shower Gift Guide 2019
Has your inbox blown up with e-invites to baby showers happening within the next few months? Maybe you even received an actual printed invitation via mail? KIDS under 20 reading, this is a piece of
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Got Milk? No?? Me neither..
Breastfeeding your newborn is a personal choice, and I will never judge any women that prefers to go to bottle feeding immediately. Breastfeeding is painful, frustrating, and hard. The beauty of living in this day
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2019 Mother’s Day Gift Guide
I can’t believe Mother’s Day is right around the corner again! Consider this your official reminder!! ( Mommas you can share this link as Hint to your husbands & kids email or facebook pages.. You’re
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Becoming a Mom.. again
The news of us being pregnant came as a shock. I was literally stunned when we found out. I am sure that I had a true dumbfounded look on my face (I probably resembled a
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Happy VS Clean.. or is it Time?
Am I the only mom that struggles with time management? I feel like trying to write a blog with a 6 month old baby is like trying to catch a flying cow in tornado.. And
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Our Baby Story
It was a beautiful Tuesday morning. (I’m assuming of course; we were at the hospital for 7 am and I have no memory of my drive there as my mind was filled with thoughts about
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Travelling with Baby
Travelling alone can be a stressful experience, even if you are used to it! Add a 6 month old baby into the mix and you’ll probably spend the night before you leave having a full
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